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Krissi Raava

Next, we introduce you to Krissi, Wenture Sales Engineer. Krissi joined Wenture last summer and is responsible of sales and marketing. In this article you can read more how Krissi found her way to the team and what she tells us about herself.

Tell me about yourself

I started my sales career three years ago, selling products by cold-calling people. I started to learn the basics of sales more thoroughly and got promoted to Deputy Sales Manager position. I realized that I wanted to communicate more with customers and not just sell products I didn’t believe in, so I decided that I need a bit of a change. I went to study marketing and later that year I started working at Wenture as a Sales Engineer.


Why did you decide to join Wenture?

When I first saw that Wenture was searching for a Sales Engineer, the first thing that attracted me to apply was that they offered a lot of growth options, the job was flexible, and a big bonus was that you could work from anywhere in the world. We had quite a few interviews and through the interviews, I realized they were doing something they believe in and what companies need and I wanted to be part of that.


What are the most important aspects of company culture?

The most crucial aspect of company culture is that everyone is fair to everybody, there’s no hierarchy, good communication between parties, and honesty.

Why do you think it’s essential to digitalize a company?

I think it is important to digitalize a company because you can downsize the expenses while expanding the reach and increasing productivity.

What are the benefits of working in a small team?

The benefits of working in a small team are that we tend to have better communication and things get done faster.

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